Does the idea of creating Online Products or Free Optin Gifts make your head hurt?

Have you already created one, but struggle with remembering how you did it, or where you saved it?

Get this Free workbook (with flowcharts) delivered to your e-mail right now!

Fabulous Freebie Record Book

Keep a record of all the moving parts that make up your Gift. No more hunting for missing info!

This Record Book will help you...

  • Create your Fabulous Freebie to share with the world.
  • Keep a record of all the moving parts that make up your Gift. No more hunting for missing info.
  • Easily access all the information about your Gift, so you are ready for every JV opportunity!
  • Keep a library of all your Gifts and Downloadable Products.

Examples: she/her, she/they, he/him, he/they, they/them

Why am I asking this?

I ask for pronouns because I respect you. As an active cis ally, I also want to help normalize the use of pronouns for everyone in online spaces.

If this is a new concept to you, please read this.

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